Townsville, The Nest Logo

Townsville, The Nest


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About Property

Townsville, The Nest is a well maintained property with tenants living in the property. The property is completely safe for tenants and is surrounded with all kinds of markets and transport facilities. This a smart property and all the complaints and rent collection is done through smart tenant app which is given to tenant upon joining.

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Property Amenities

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Renting Terms

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Rs 6,500/- to Rs 12,000
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Lockin Period

1 months
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Notice Period

60 days
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Electricity Unit

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Property Rules

Property Rule Icon

1. Fee is nonrefundable, and non-adjustable under any circumstances.

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2. Missing the due date of payment will attract a penalty of 500/- per day.

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3. No deposit rent is 1000/- extra of regular rent.

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4. Holding the room is chargeable. It doesn't matter if you stay in the room or at some other place.

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Property Owner

Veenita Pandey


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Townsville, The Nest

Townsville, The Nest is a well maintained property with tenants living in the property. The property is completely safe for tenants and is surrounded with all kinds of markets and transport facilities. This a smart property and all the complaints and rent collection is done through smart tenant app which is given to tenant upon joining.

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Townsville, The Nest Bharti nagar, Bhusari colony Pune Maharashtra 411038

(976) 666-1567 (976) 666-1567

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